The Purpose of a Motivation Graph
A motivation graph is a tool used to analyze fluctuations in one’s motivation levels over time, helping individuals understand their personality, strengths, and weaknesses. By enhancing self-awareness, it can aid in selecting suitable workplaces and career paths, and enable candidates to present themselves effectively in interviews.
Methods for Overcoming Weaknesses
To overcome weaknesses, it is effective to start with small goals, seek support, and make practice a habit. Tracking progress helps maintain motivation and ensures steady improvement.
Background of Job Hunting in Japan
Japanese companies place importance on long-term growth and compatibility with the company culture through a new graduate hiring system. Therefore, students are encouraged to conduct self-analysis. Motivation graphs play a key role in helping students understand themselves and effectively communicate their strengths to potential employers.
モチベーショングラフを作る意義(The Purpose of Creating a Motivation Graph)
Creating a motivation graph is a way to look back at your past experiences to see when you felt motivated or unmotivated. By analyzing these moments, you can better understand your personality, values, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-reflection is helpful when making decisions about job hunting and your future career.
Here are some specific purposes for creating a motivation graph:
- 自分をよく知るため
モチベーショングラフでは、自分が「何をしているときにやる気が出たのか」「どんな状況でやる気が下がったのか」を過去の経験を通じて見直します。たとえば、スポーツ大会でチームメイトと協力して目標を達成できた時にやる気が上がったのであれば、「協力することで自分は力を発揮できるんだな」と気づくことができます。反対に、ひとりで黙々と作業を続けた時期に気持ちが下がったのであれば、「一人で取り組むよりも、仲間と一緒の方が得意なんだな」と分かるかもしれません。こうして、やる気の浮き沈みを通じて自分の価値観や考え方が見えてきます。 - To understand yourself better
By tracking moments when you felt highly motivated or, conversely, when you felt down, you can identify what brings you satisfaction and what causes you stress. For example, if you felt motivated when working with teammates during a sports tournament, you might realize that you thrive in collaborative situations. On the other hand, if you felt low during solo study sessions, you might conclude that working alone isn’t ideal for you. This process helps you clarify your values and preferences. - どんな環境が合っているかを知るため
自分が「どんな環境でやる気が出やすいか」を知ると、仕事や職場選びの参考になります。たとえば、学校やカフェのようなにぎやかな場所で元気が出るなら、オープンなオフィスやチームで働く職場が向いているかもしれません。逆に、図書館や家など静かな場所で集中しやすいなら、落ち着いたオフィスや自分のスペースが確保できる環境が合っているでしょう。このように、やる気の出やすい場所を振り返ることで、自分に合う職場のイメージがつかめます。 - To understand what kind of environment suits you best
Knowing which environments help you feel motivated can guide your choice of job or workplace. For example, if you feel energized in lively places like school or a café, an open office or team-based work setting may be ideal for you. On the other hand, if you focus better in quiet places like a library or at home, a calm office or a workspace where you have personal space might be a better fit. Reflecting on the types of spaces where you feel motivated can help you envision the kind of work environment that suits you best. - 面接や自己PRで役立つため
モチベーショングラフを通じて自分の過去の経験を整理しておくと、就職活動での面接やエントリーシートでの自己PRにも役立ちます。たとえば、「部活で自分がリーダーとして仲間をまとめ、みんなと力を合わせたときにやる気が高まった経験がある」といったエピソードがあると、面接でも具体的に話しやすくなります。相手にも、自分がどういう人か、どんなことに力を発揮するかが分かりやすく伝わり、印象に残りやすくなるでしょう。 - To use in interviews and self-promotion
When you organize your experiences in a motivation graph, it becomes easier to talk about your strengths and interests during interviews or in application documents. For example, if you have a specific story about leading a sports team and feeling a sense of accomplishment, you can use it to demonstrate your leadership and teamwork skills. Clear, concrete examples make it easier for interviewers to understand your character and how you might contribute to their organization. - 将来のキャリア(仕事の方向性)を考えるため
モチベーショングラフは、将来のキャリア選びにも役立ちます。過去の経験を振り返って、自分がどういう場面でやる気が高まるのかを知ることで、今後どんな仕事が合っているか、どんな役割を目指していくかのヒントが得られます。たとえば、友達や後輩にアドバイスして感謝されたときにやる気が高まるのであれば、「人をサポートする仕事が向いているかもしれない」と考えられますし、クラスのイベントで司会やリーダーをしてみんなを引っ張っていく経験が楽しかったなら、「リーダーシップを活かせる仕事を目指してみよう」と思えるかもしれません。 - To think about your future career direction
Reflecting on past experiences can reveal patterns in what motivates you, which in turn can provide clues about future career paths. For instance, if you found satisfaction in helping friends or juniors, you might consider roles that involve mentoring or support. Alternatively, if you enjoyed taking on leadership roles in class projects, you might consider aiming for a career that allows you to use your leadership skills. - 自分の強みと弱みを発見するため
モチベーショングラフを通して「どんなことが得意で、何が苦手か」を見つけることができます。やる気が出た場面からは自分の強みや得意分野が分かり、逆にやる気が下がった場面から自分の苦手なことや改善点が見えてきます。たとえば、細かい作業が続いたときに集中力が切れた経験があれば、「単調な作業は自分には合わないかもしれない」といったことが分かります。こうして得意なことと苦手なことを知ると、就職活動でも自信を持って話ができるようになります。 - To discover your strengths and weaknesses
The motivation graph allows you to recognize both your strengths and areas for improvement. When looking back at times you felt motivated, you can identify activities or situations where you tend to perform well. Conversely, times when you felt less motivated might highlight tasks or settings that challenge you. For instance, if long periods of detailed work made you lose focus, you might conclude that routine tasks aren’t ideal for you. Knowing this can help you communicate your strengths and weaknesses with confidence during job hunting.
苦手なことの克服に向けた具体的な方法(Specific Methods for Overcoming Weaknesses)
- 小さな目標から始める
- Starting with Small Goals
Rather than aiming to perfect a difficult skill all at once, it’s helpful to start with small steps to gradually overcome challenges. For example, if you find presentations difficult, you could begin by practicing speaking in front of friends or starting with small presentations to slowly build confidence and familiarity.
- サポートやアドバイスをもらう
- Seeking Support and Advice
Getting support from friends, seniors, or teachers can also be highly effective. Feedback is essential when working to overcome a weakness. While tackling it alone can be challenging, advice and support from others can help you progress more quickly and effectively.
- 習慣にする
- Making it a Habit
Increasing your exposure to a difficult activity little by little helps you become more comfortable with it. For instance, if you struggle with communication, practicing daily conversations, even in small amounts, can gradually reduce your anxiety. By turning it into a habit, the discomfort can slowly fade.
- 成長を実感できるように記録をつける
- Keeping a Record of Your Progress
Keeping track of your improvement can gradually boost your confidence. For instance, if presentations are challenging, noting how much you’ve improved in speaking or how the audience’s reactions change can show you your progress, which helps you stay motivated to continue working on it.
学生時代の克服は将来に役立つ(Overcoming Weaknesses as a Student is Beneficial for the Future)
When you overcome weaknesses during your student years, you’ll have more confidence to tackle challenges as a working adult. The experience of overcoming difficulties can be valuable in job hunting and in your career, providing practical examples of resilience. Additionally, the success of knowing “I am someone who can overcome my weaknesses” becomes a powerful foundation for personal growth and self-assurance.
モチベーショングラフが書けない理由(Reasons Why It Might Be Difficult to Create a Motivation Graph)
Some people may find it challenging to create a motivation graph, and here are a few possible reasons:
- 挑戦する機会が少なく、やる気の変化を感じたことが少ない
挑戦をしたことが少ないと、やる気が上がったり下がったりした経験自体が少ないため、モチベーショングラフに書くことがないように感じられるかもしれません。こうした場合、今後さまざまなことに挑戦してみると良いでしょう。新しい経験を積むことで、今まで知らなかった自分のやる気のきっかけやスイッチを発見できるかもしれません。 - Limited experiences or challenges
If you have had few opportunities to take on challenges, you might feel like there aren’t many experiences of rising or falling motivation to include in a motivation graph. In such cases, increasing the range of your activities can help you discover your motivation triggers. Gaining varied experiences can reveal what truly excites or challenges you. - やる気の浮き沈みが感じられない
人によっては、やる気が大きく変わる場面が少なく、「どの経験にやる気の変動があったのか分からない」と感じることがあります。この場合、少しの気持ちの変化にも注目してみると良いでしょう。たとえば、「ちょっと嬉しかった」「少し頑張ろうと思った」など小さな気持ちの動きでも、モチベーショングラフに描く材料として使えます。 - Not feeling significant motivation changes
If you haven’t experienced big shifts in motivation, it can be hard to identify the high and low points for your graph. In this case, focusing on small changes, like times when you felt “a little more excited” or “slightly bored,” can still give valuable insights. - 過去の気持ちを思い出しにくい
自分の過去の気持ちを思い出しにくいと、モチベーショングラフを書くのが難しいこともあります。特に、昔の経験になればなるほど、そのときの気持ちがあいまいになってしまうこともあります。こういう場合は、家族や友達に思い出を話してもらうと、「そういえばあの時、こんなことを考えていたかも」と思い出しやすくなることもあります。 - Difficulty recalling past emotions
Sometimes, it’s challenging to remember exactly how you felt during past experiences. This is especially true for memories from years ago. If you’re struggling to recall these moments, talking to family members or friends about past events can help jog your memory. - 自己分析(じこぶんせき)に慣れていない
自分の気持ちや行動を振り返ることに慣れていないと、モチベーショングラフを書くのが難しく感じることがあります。特に、やる気が下がったときの気持ちに向き合うのが苦手で、「この時どう感じていたか」を正直に書くのに抵抗がある場合もあります。 - Not being comfortable with self-reflection
For those who aren’t used to reflecting on their own emotions and actions, looking back on past experiences may feel uncomfortable. It can be especially hard to face moments when motivation was low, as people often prefer not to remember negative feelings.
日本の就職活動におけるモチベーショングラフの背景(Why the Motivation Graph Is Emphasized in Japanese Job Hunting)
In Japan, it’s common for companies to hire new graduates all at once in what is known as “simultaneous recruiting of new graduates.” This system places great importance on whether an applicant will fit well with the company culture and grow over the long term. As a result, companies often look for candidates who understand themselves well and know when and how they perform at their best. The motivation graph helps students articulate “who they are,” making it easier for both companies and students to assess if they’re a good match.
For instance, understanding when you’re most motivated can help companies find a suitable role for you, where your strengths will shine. For candidates, being able to discuss motivation confidently in interviews makes a strong impression, showing that they have self-awareness and a clear vision of their strengths.
他国での自己分析の状況(How Self-Analysis Is Approached in Other Countries)
In countries like the U.S. and many parts of Europe, it’s less common for people to conduct this kind of self-analysis in a structured way for job hunting. In the U.S., for instance, job applications often emphasize skills and achievements more than personality fit or long-term growth potential. While Japanese companies often look for “the right match” in terms of personality and values, American and European employers are more likely to prioritize candidates’ immediate skills and experience. In these countries, self-reflection and self-assessment often occur later in one’s career, during job changes or career transitions.
全体のまとめ(Overall Summary)
The motivation graph and self-analysis are essential tools in Japanese job hunting to “understand oneself well and effectively convey one’s strengths to companies.” By using these tools to organize key points of motivation, strengths, and weaknesses, candidates can confidently engage in self-promotion during job interviews.
In the U.S. and Europe, there are many opportunities for self-reflection and reassessment of one’s strengths and preferences throughout one’s career. It is common for individuals to explore jobs or environments that suit them better through job changes or career transitions. This approach is influenced by a culture that emphasizes personal skills and growth, encouraging people to adapt and reshape their careers flexibly over time.