Machine learning is like the magic of computers learning how to think for themselves.
It finds patterns to solve problems, just like we always do.
For example, we show the computer many pictures and say,
“This is a cat,” or “This is a dog,”
and the computer develops the ability to find what is in the picture itself.
Machine learning can be divided into four types, depending on how the input data is given.
教師あり学習(Supervised Learning)
Supervised learning is when the computer learns by solving lots of quizzes with answers.
Even if the computer does not understand at first,
by showing it many correct answers, it will become smarter and smarter.
For example, if you tell the computer, “This picture is a cat”,
The computer can look at many pictures of cats and learn that cats are like this.
教師なし学習(Unsupervised Learning)
Unsupervised learning is when a computer solves a quiz that has no answers.
The computer shows you many pictures, but does not tell you which one is a cat and which one is a dog.
But the computer looks at the pictures carefully and groups similar ones together,
The computer can learn by itself, saying, “These are similar in some way, so they must be in the same group.
半教師あり学習(Semi-supervised Learning)
Semi-supervised learning is a way for a computer to learn with answers to some quizzes
but no answers to many quizzes.
The computer takes clues from quizzes with known answers
and tries to solve quizzes without answers on its own.
By this, the computer can learn a lot from little information.
強化学習(Reinforcement Learning)
Reinforcement learning is like a computer playing a video game.
If it makes the right choices, it gets points, and if it makes the wrong choices, it loses points.
To get more of these points, the computer learns what to do.
For example, the computer becomes smarter and smarter as it learns
through trial and error how to move in order to get a high score in the game.
問題1: 機械学習とは何でしょうか?
問題2: パソコンは絵を見て何を学ぶことができるでしょうか?
問題3: 教師あり学習とは、どんなクイズを解くことで学ぶのでしょうか?
問題4: パソコンが教師あり学習でどうやって「ネコ」を学ぶか説明してください。
問題5: 教師なし学習では、パソコンに何が教えられないのでしょうか?
問題6: 教師なし学習でパソコンは写真を見て何をするでしょうか?
問題7: 半教師あり学習では、どのようなクイズがパソコンに与えられますか?
問題8: 半教師あり学習でパソコンは答えがわからないクイズをどうやって解くでしょうか?
問題9: 半教師あり学習の利点は何でしょうか?
問題10: この文章に書かれている4つの学習方法のうち、どれがパソコンに最も多くの情報を与えるでしょうか?
Questions (10 questions)
Question 1: What is machine learning?
Question 2: What can a computer learn from looking at pictures?
Question 3: What is supervised learning?
Question 4: How does a computer learn what a “cat” is in supervised learning?
Question 5: What is not taught to the computer in unsupervised learning?
Question 6: What does a computer do with pictures in unsupervised learning?
Question 7: What kind of quizzes are given to the computer in semi-supervised learning?
Question 8: How does the computer solve quizzes without answers in semi-supervised learning?
Question 9: What is the advantage of semi-supervised learning?
Question 10: Among the four learning methods described in the text, which one provides the most information to the computer?